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Molecular structure in a sentence

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Sentence count:70Posted:2017-11-15Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: superstructurepower structuremolecularmolecular formulastructuresupramolecularstructuredintermolecular
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31. This paper summarized modifying molecular structure and relation between structure to activity of camptothecin.
32. Its molecular structure is made up of a five member, unsaturated lactone ring with two hydroxyl groups.
33. The thiazole derivative works mainly by the absorption of S and N atoms in the molecular structure on the surface of N80 steel.
34. The molecular structure of humic substance in dyke sludge has great specific surface area and active functional groups with strong reducibility and high concentration of radicals.
35. And its molecular structure is analyzed by elemental analysis, md - tof and X - ray single crystal diffraction.
36. The molecular structure of the silicone resin pre-and post-blending modification by poly (butyl methacrylate)(PBMA) was characterized by Fourier transform infra-red spectrometry.
37. Four compounds of phosphite ester and phosphoramide containing azido groups were synthesized. The molecular structure of the products has been confirmed by IR, 1HNMR, FAB MS and elemental analysis.
37. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
38. Product nature: also known as lithopone lithopone is a very stable molecular structure of the mesh.
39. The results showed that the phase transition of model compounds and polymers depend upon molecular structure, conjugated chain and molecular flexibility.
40. The trend of the research work is briefly reviewed on botanical insecticide neem. Molecular structure response relationship of azadirachtin is one of the most active research area.
41. The effects of ozone treatment on the molecular structure and polarity of SEBS, and toughening PA6 with ozonized SEBS were studied.
42. The power index was 0.14, which indicated that the polymer had branched molecular structure in dilute solution of tetrahydrofuran.
43. A suspension type electrodeposition coating composition containing, as a resin component, block copolyimide having a siloxane bond in a molecular structure and an anionic group in a molecule.
44. Cleanness : Very tight Molecular structure, surface free of micro pores Moisture proof.
45. The copolymer molecular structure was identified by the analysis of IR. The size of the dispersed particles and their distribution was measured.
46. In this article, the molecular vibration frequencies are determined by Laman scatters experiment, then the molecular structure is obtained.
47. Nitro compound: Any of a class of chemical compounds in which the nitro group (-NO2) forms part of the molecular structure.
48. A new study reveals that dragline silk, the stuff spiders use to rappel, has a molecular structure that makes it resilient to twisting.
49. The collagen in the serosa is made up of a triple helix molecular structure.
50. The techniques have advantages over conventional single quantum NMR method in obtaining simple analyzable spectra which make study of molecular structure and conformation possible.
51. A polycarboxylic superplasticizer(PC-C) grafted with MPEG side chains was designed according to principle of molecular structure and synthesized in water as solvent.
52. There are two energies that you can work with entering the null: sound and light,( because your third-dimensional body is a molecular structure also composed of light.
53. Based on the characteristics of molecular structure, the distance matrix was used to characterize the connectivity of the atoms in the molecule.
54. Make molecule bonds small and control change of molecular structure.
55. Objective To study the Secretor gene (FUT2) molecular structure of Uighur population in Xinjiang area, China.
56. Because of the amino-group in its molecular structure, chitosan can be used directly as a flocculant or improving its flocculation by modifying its structure.
57. Color shifting and returning of diazo dyes used in silver dye bleach (SDB) photography were studied, focusing on the relationship between the properties and their molecular structure.
58. The S-type lectins in annelida are different in molecular structure and biochemical properties from that of common galectin and are valuable in anticancer study.
59. One may also listen to our hum and intend to rotate one's molecular structure in syncopation.
60. The data show that the polymer has ordered ladderlike molecular structure.
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